New Owner Training
Buying a new boat is a big investment that will bring years of fun out on the water for you, your family and friends! It also brings with it a lot of responsibility for the safety of everyone on board as well as the other boaters around you.

In-Command Seamanship Training (ICST) designs custom training programs for new boat buyers as well as owners who are stepping up to a larger vessel. Frequently, insurance companies require a formal training program with a Captain and a NASBLA-approved course in order to secure insurance. ICST will build the program you need so you will enjoy many years aboard your new boat!
Our Custom Programs can include the following:
- In Classroom or On-Board Training for Rules of the Road, Seamanship Skills and Safety/Damage Control.
- Systems & Safety Equipment Check Prior to Getting Underway.
- Docking Skill Development: Bow-in, Stern-in and Floating Docks (such as Fuel Docks).
- Low-Speed Maneuvering in Harbors and Narrow Channels.
- Open Bay Cruising in Varying Sea States.
- Anchoring & Approaching a Mooring.
- Shutting Down and Transitioning from Ship’s Power to Shore Power.

Our team of Licensed Captains have extensive experience with all powerplant configurations, including:
- Single & Twin Screw (Outboards, I/O & Straight Inboards).
- Bow/Stern Thrusters.
- Joysticks.
- Pod Drives (IPS & Zeus).
Let us help you build your knowledge and skills to make your underway time more enjoyable! For more information, please contact us at 401.4SAFETY (401.472.3389) or at
In-Command Seamanship Training is a training partner with US Powerboating, BoatUS, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI-DEM) and Massachusetts Environmental Police (MEP). Commercial licensing courses provided in partnership with the Northeast Maritime Institute.